A Status Update

Hello everyone,

Sorry for dropping off the map for a few weeks! Maybe there’s a blogging curse when you reach one hundred posts, because ever since I celebrated that milestone, I’ve been too busy to blog. It’s been a good sort of busy, though.

My freelance editing business has been going gangbusters, which is fantastic. Thank you to all of you who have supported me in this venture, especially those who have had me over for guest posts.

After constantly writing at my day job and editing in the evenings, I found I needed a break from my computer, otherwise I was pretty sure my eyes were going to fall out. Thus my absence from the blogging scene.


Ah, for the days of typewriters…

I’ve settled into more of an equilibrium now, though, so I should be back to writing posts (albeit less frequently) in the next couple of weeks. I’m currently planning out my series about Captain Comma and her crew. I’ve also been reading more writing resources, so stay tuned for another DBW Review, as well as a new Conversation Corner.

I hope all is well with you. I’ll see you soon!



Public domain image via Wikimedia Commons

27 thoughts on “A Status Update

  1. I can see why you’d need a break from the screen. That’s a lot of time spent in front of a monitor. Any extra time deserves to be spent in the real world!

    Happy to hear the editing venture is going well! I had no doubt it would. Your clients are lucky to have you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay, welcome back! Who are you again? It’s been so long, and my memory is so bad.

    I think I am remember that you’re cool. I’ll just backspace over all this and start over.

    Hey! Welcome back! We missed you, you cool person you!

    (Hope you had a nice restorative break!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice to see I’m so unforgettable, Pat! 😉 It’s been a good break, but I can’t wait to get back to it. Amazing how much you get used to blogging. I feel like something’s missing in my life. Must be your stellar microfiction. 🙂

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      1. I played a lot of Skyrim some time ago (a GREAT game) and in honor of National Poetry Day, I wrote some Skyrim-inspired Haiku. I’ll include them in the next MicroStory collection as a special feature (with explanations if need be.)

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  3. I was just thinking about you the other day, probably during one of my overly adverbed, ellipsis-fueled posts or comments. Glad business is going well and that you were able to give your eyes a rest for a bit 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t think it’s just you! The blogosphere has been really quiet since mid-September, and hasn’t bounced back yet. All the usual people who comment or blog have been ghosts in my circle recently. But I am so glad your business is going well! Yay!

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