Doorway Between Worlds Publishing is Live!

Well, it’s official. I am now a publisher! I couldn’t wait to share this big news and reveal the title for my upcoming first book.

Doorway Between Worlds used to be a blog. Now it’s also the name of my publishing imprint. 🙂 I’ve registered it as a business name and I’ve also submitted my application to Library and Archives Canada as a Canadian publisher. This means I will have my own ISBN numbers that I can assign to my books when I self-publish through Kobo, Amazon and other distributors.

I’ve also had the distinct pleasure of working with the fabulous Chris Reddie, who designed the logo for my publishing brand. I have several versions that I can use for different purposes, but here’s what it’s going to look like on the spine of my books:

Doorway Between Worlds publishing logo

Of course, I’m not going to feel like a real publisher until I get my first novel out there. I’m nearly done working through the enormously helpful feedback from my beta readers, and then it’s off to my editor in February. Next step is cover design, and I can’t wait to see what comes back from my designer! It’s so exciting to think that soon I’ll be looking at a cover that’s been made just for my story.

I have also (finally) settled on a title, and you’re the first ones to hear it.

(drum roll)

Doorway Between Worlds is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of Sue Archer’s paranormal fantasy novel Fortune’s Shadow in May 2020!

Thanks to everyone who’s reached out to me and congratulated me on my book. It really means a lot to me. I’ll be back again soon, and certainly when I have my cover back, so you can see how it turned out.




P.S. What creative projects are you working on these days? I’d love to hear all about them!

11 thoughts on “Doorway Between Worlds Publishing is Live!

  1. Hi Sue,
    I don’t remember exactly when I discovered your blog but it was some blogging course here on WordPress which connected me with you. I love your blog and I love the name.
    All the best!!

    Liked by 1 person

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